Mission Statement
Our curriculum is rooted in the philosophy and ethos of the IB Primary Years Programme. Through the IB Learner Profile Attributes all children and adults will grow to be empowered to access and seek experiences, opportunities that continue to make them successful and enrich their own lives.
We aim to create inquiring, lifelong learners who respect and care for the world they live in and all those who live in it. OPA learners, of any age, will understand how they are connected to the world in order to take action to improve their own lives, and the lives of local and global communities. The curriculum is built upon prior learning, and is designed to be challenging, interesting and motivational to all pupils.
As individuals, through the embedding of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile, our children become open-minded and knowledgeable as they develop their ability to inquire and explore their own curiosities. They learn how to tackle problems through thinking skills and communicate, in more than one language, as they work collaboratively. At all times they act in a principled manner and are caring to all that they engage with. Our children develop the confidence to be risk-takers and work both independently and cooperatively. They also develop an understanding of how to reflect on our world and their own ideas and experiences and to ensure that they take a balanced approach in order to maintain and promote wellbeing.
Our learning community strives to create chances for dreamers, idea makers and innovators. We hope to empower our pupils to use their skills as divergent thinkers, responsible role models and leaders to carve out their own futures, and become extraordinary citizens.
We set high aspirations for all our pupils. Practitioners give every child and all members of the Oaks community the opportunity to experience success in their learning, by providing a relevant and challenging curriculum.